From Havana to Le Locle and all over the world, cigar aficionados celebrate 2021 as the 55th anniversary of one of the most distinguished and revered Cuban cigar makers, Cohiba. Now marking its fifth year of collaboration with Habanos and the sixth special edition with Cohiba, Zenith is joining the celebration with a delectable and highly exclusive commemorative edition of the Chronomaster Open.
Born from the shared pursuit of excellence through precision, authenticity, and tradition, Zenith and Cohiba are marking a new milestone in their partnership tailored for those who seek out precious moments to indulge and savor the work of artisans.
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Right on time for Habanos World Days, a three-day online event whose program is similar to the traditional on-location festival organized for over 20 years in Havana consisting of thematic conferences, virtual tours of cigar factories, and the Habanos World Challenge competition testing the knowledge of avid cigar lovers, Zenith is joining Cohiba in celebrating its 55th anniversary with a special commemorative limited edition watch.
Zenith has reimagined its emblematic Chronomaster Open in a manner that immediately evokes Cohiba’s unique aesthetic. Taking on the striking design codes of the packaging and paper bands that wrap each of its entirely hand-rolled and exquisitely blended cigars, the dial of the Chronomaster Open Cohiba 55th anniversary edition is done in the distinct saffron-yellow tone and white on black checkered motif.
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A yellow chronograph seconds hand with a star-shaped counterweight completes the look, while the black alligator leather strap harmoniously accentuates the checkered pattern of the dial.
Limited to just 55 pieces, Cohiba Cigars with a Chronomaster 55th anniversary edition is completed with a special display back with the special Cohiba 55 logo printed on the interior side of the sapphire crystal. To enjoy the full epicurean experience, each watch will come with a set of 5 special Cohiba cigars presented in an exclusive co-branded porcelain jar.